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Doctor Cid

+48 784 551 259

Doctor Cid Company - Best Quality Network
Doctor Cid Company - Best Quality Network
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+48 784 551 259

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Best Quality Network

  • End to end network optimization with focus on best service performance in National Regulator audits and commercial benchmarks (ARCEP, RATEL, UMLAUT)


  • 3 streams approach: 


      1. Radio network coverage audit and planning, coverage gap identification and recommendations

      2. Radio Network optimization - feature audit, parameter and feature  tuning

      3. End to end network audit - TCP/IP and application level performance verification per service, RAN vs Packet Core vs Application Server inter-operability


  • Drive test and TCP data result processing - Big data analytics and automation


  • Radio network performance audit based on detailed L1 and L2 per TTI analysis (QXDM) 


  • Various measurement platform supported Tems Infovista, Quallipoc Rhode Schwarz, Accuver XCAL



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