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Doctor Cid

+48 784 551 259

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About Us

Doctor Cid Company - Best Quality Network


Doctor Cid company mission is end to end mobile networks optimization in cooperation with network Operators and Vendors.


We offer wide range of products and services that enable mobile telecommunication networks achieving highest quality and performance.


Our services are assessed by national regulatory authorities (RATEL, ARCEP) and commercial mobile network benchmarks (Umlaut formerly P3, Connect)


We developed methodology for effective and fast network performance improvements. Our achievements were confirmed in many national benchmarks across Europe


















Our Team

The main asset of Doctor Cid company is the team of 30 experts with 20 years+ experience in mobile network optimization and planning.


Our team build their experience providing services to Tier1 operators worldwide, often in very challenging markets and multi vendor environment including Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung.


Our developers provide fast project and tools setup according to Operator's requirements.



Business Ethics, Code of Conduct 

Doctor Cid company place strong emphasis on business ethics including:

Legal and Regulatory Compliance (Anti Corruption, trade compliance, insider trading, fair competition, anti money laundering or anti-facilitation of tax evasion, Data Privacy, Intellectual Property and Confidential Information),

Ethical business practices (Conflict of Interest, Record Keeping, Confidential Reporting), 

Environmental and social regulations (Fair employment, Environment Uphold, Health and Safety, Human Rights)




Doctor Cid company develops with Sustainability aspects awareness and consideration. The special focus areas are: Climate, Integrity, Culture. We take care about emissions, recycling, waste segregation, reduced the paper waste, introduced Sustainable Procurement.


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