Doctor Cid Company - Best Quality Network

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Doctor Cid

+48 784 551 259

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Products & Services

Doctor Cid Company - Best Quality Network
Doctor Cid Company - Best Quality Network


Network Optimization and performance improvement

  • All market technologies: GSM, UMTS, LTE Advanced, 5G, IOT, LTE-M, GSM-R
  • KPI improvements
  • Problem detection and troubleshooting based on signalling (Emil, Megaplexer, GPEH etc.)
  • Network Capacity management
  • Network development strategy



Benchmark focused Network Optimization

  • Service KPI improvement – UL/DL throughputs, session time, non qualified events, MOS, Call Setup Time, paging
  • E2E service analysis and recommendations (TCP performance analysis)
  • E2E protocol analysis and troubleshooting
  • Benchmark logs analysis, recommendations, implementation
  • Network coverage audits – layer and site














End to end network optimization for data and voice services

  • TCP performance analysis and optimsation
  • Qos
  • Packet loss and latency audit
  • E2E Volte analysis and troubleshooting (RAN, IMS, Packet CN)


Radio Network planning

  • Propagation Model tuning: Planet
  • Low and high level design
  • initial network tuning
  • Site surveys
  • Site documentation


Radio Network measurements and post processing

  • Supported measurement equipment: Accuver, Tems, Swissqual, Nemo, Romes, PcTel
  • Big data management and analysis


Network Performance audits

  • PM KPI improvements (radio and core network)
  • KPI definition and inter vendor mapping
















Physical layer optimization

  • Various input data: drive test, crowd sourcing data, PM KPIs
  • Automated solutions for antenna configuration parameter planning


Network configuration Managements in multivendor environment

  • Network modernization and swap automations
  • Data fill preparation and implementation in OSS and network elements
  • Parameter and consistency check



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